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Results/ Scientific Publications
TALANTA: Immobilization of Biotinylated Antibodies through Streptavidin Binding Aptamer
Author(s): Dario Brambilla, Laura Sola, Francesco Damin, Alessandro Mussida and Marcella Chiari
Preprinted on CHEMRXIV. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage; 2023
Herein we propose a novel strategy for the immobilization of antibodies,based on the use of a streptavidin-binding aptamer. Using this approach it is possible to immobilize antibodies on the surface of sensors with no need for optimization, with the only
requirement for antibody to be biotinylated.
BIOSENSORS: Dual-Domain Reporter Approach for Multiplex Identification of Major SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern in a Microarray-Based Assay
Author(s): Francesco Damin, Silvia Galbiati, Nicola Clementi, Roberto Ferrarese, Nicasio Mancini,
Laura Sola and Marcella Chiari
BIOSENSORS 13(2), 269
We have developed a microarray-based assay that can distinguish known viral variants present in clinical samples by simultaneously detecting mutations in the Spike protein gene. In this method, the viral nucleic acid, extracted from nasopharyngeal swabs, after RT-PCR, hybridizes in solution with specific dual-domain oligonucleotide reporters..
MICROMACHINES: Optimization of Functional Group Concentration of N,N-Dimethylacrylamide-Based Polymeric Coatings and Probe Immobilization for DNA and Protein Microarray Applications
Author(s): Laura Sola, Laura Abdel Mallak, Francesco Damin, Alessandro Mussida, Dario Brambilla
and Marcella Chiari
We report here a deep investigation into the effect of the concentration of a polymeric coating’s functional groups on probe density immobilization with the aim of establishing the optimal formulation to be implemented in specific microarray applications.
CHEMRXIV: Sequential separation and profiling of extracellular vesicles using antibody-aptamer conjugates
Author(s): Dario Brambilla, Federica Panico, M. Selim Unlu, Marcella Chiari
29 November 2023, Version 1
In this study, we propose an innovative Antibody-Aptamer Conjugate: a three-component separation reagent for the separation of EVs. Combining an EV-specific antibody, a streptavidin-binding aptamer, and a unique barcode DNA sequence, this conjugate serves dual roles, facilitating both EV separation and subsequent multiplexed analysis. We detail the development and validation of the Antibody-Aptamer Conjugate, demonstrating its efficacy in isolating intact EVs from complex samples. The unique barcode DNA sequence enables high-throughput analysis on a DNA microarray chip, addressing limitations of existing methodologies.